What are the benefits of CPD and how can this further develop your career?

The benefits of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) are numerous and wide-ranging - both from the employee and employer’s point of view. In fact, the opportunities it affords should be viewed as a true win-win for all involved.

For employees looking to enjoy a long and fulfilled career where they’re never standing still and always embracing new challenges, they should welcome CPD training opportunities in order to keep their knowledge and skills as up-to-date and relevant as possible.

CPD also helps to ensure that their qualifications and registrations remain relevant to current professional standards, while providing useful insights into best practice.

A great platform for career progression and advancement

In other words, CPD represents a great platform for career progression and advancement – not to mention higher potential earnings – providing vital skills at the cutting edge of your chosen sector.

Further to the direct benefits, there are also the perhaps less obvious advantages, such as the opportunities to build confidence, showcase skills, forge a clear sense of career ownership, and a mind-set that welcomes positive transformation.

For employers, on the other hand, CPD offers the peace of mind that comes with knowing that standards are as high as possible at any given time. Essentially, it means that staff are engaged, on top of their game, and constantly aiming to improve their skillsets.

Investing in people

It’s about investing in people, encouraging the sharing of best practice, realising the potential of the workforce, and ensuring that a competitive edge is being fostered that marks out your organisation.

At the Academy of Leadership & Management, we’re keen to foster and fulfil those CPD ambitions through a bespoke courses and qualifications that bring out the best in people.

When it comes to continuing professional development, we know that a ‘one size fits all’ approach simply does not work, and that training should be as individual as your organisation.

From leadership and management, to coaching and mentoring, business advice and consulting, or education, ALM is the ideal partner to deliver accredited courses and qualifications.

If you’re looking to reach particular standards, for instance achieving ILM qualifications, then the Academy of Leadership & Management is an approved learning centre for a number of awarding bodies including ILM, SFEDI, IOEE, CMI and NCFE.

We are committed to developing outstanding leaders and managers, coaches and mentors, and business advisers through a results-focused, personalised learning experience for both students and organisations.

For further information go here. Alternatively, please contact 0845 890 2549 or email info@academylm.co.uk