New coaching & mentoring courses for North West Employers

The Academy of Leadership & Management have worked with North West Employers for a number of years, and in the coming months we will be delivering two new courses in partnership with them. Starting in July there will be a Level 7 course in Executive Coaching & Mentoring, while in October a Level 5 course in Coaching & Mentoring will also be available.

All of our courses are fully accredited by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) – the UK’s most recognised and respected body for awarding management and leadership qualifications. ILM courses are a proven method of developing effective management and coaching skills while helping to progress your career.

The ILM Level 5 Certificate in Coaching & Mentoring, which begins with NW Employers in October, is designed for managers who have responsibility for mentoring as part of their daily role. The course can help to advance those planning to progress to a development role or even pursue a career as a freelance coach or mentor.

The ILM Level 7 Certificate in Executive Coaching & Mentoring, beginning with NW Employers in July, is among ILM’s most senior coaching qualifications. The course is designed for senior managers who wish to develop their expertise, or for human resources/organisational development professionals who want to establish coaching on an organisational level. As a senior qualification, it is also ideal for professional coaches or mentors seeking to enhance and accredit their experience with a nationally recognised qualification.

Across both courses, students will gain a critical understanding of the role and responsibilities of a workplace coach and mentor. This will help to improve their understanding of how coaching and mentoring can impact on an organisation. Participants will also gain valuable practical experience in planning, delivering and reviewing coaching within their organisation.

North West Employers are a not for profit organisation that exists to help organisations deliver better professional outcomes for local people. All 41 local authorities in North West England, together with many of the fire and rescue services, and police and crime commissioners’ offices are members of the organisation.

Visit the North West Employers website to find out more about registering for these Level 5 & Level 7Certificate courses.